Company Profile euNetworks is a Western European provider of bandwidth infrastructure services. We focus on delivering scalable, fibre based products and solutions to a customer base that is at the centre of technology transformation. Our customers require fibre based data centre to data centre connectivity, both within the key cities in Europe and between these cities, supporting both their bandwidth growth and the performance requirements that their applications demand. Our customers’ needs shape how we develop our network further. We own and operate 17 dense fibre based metropolitan city networks. These are connected with an intercity backbone covering 53 cities in 17 countries. euNetworks leads the market in data centre connectivity, directly connecting over 500 in Europe today, with further data centres indirectly connected. We are also a leading cloud connectivity provider, direct connection to all key cloud platforms and access to additional platforms. Products & ServicesHybrid Cloud Access Hub Cloud Connect - Private and secure direct access to all major cloud providers and connection to a portfolio of additional cloud platforms. Connectivity Platform Ethernet - MPLS product, offering private connections between DCs, cloud providers and business locations Dark Fibre - Core asset of the business. Leased fibre by strand, bulk fibre or full cable in the metro and long haul. Metro Wavelengths - Dedicated and customised bandwidth, enabling reliable high data-rate delivery in European cities. Long Haul Wavelengths - Dedicated bandwidth enabling high speed application delivery across Europe. Solutions DC Connect - Pre-deployed connectivity between key data centres in cities, with rapid delivery. euTrade - Market leading ultra low latency services over a dedicated network platform. Private Connect - Dedicated & secure private network, offering fibre and equipment for sole use. Multi-Service - Port Quickly scale cloud platform connectivity and IP connectivity through one port. Internet Connect - Meet changing internet connectivity requirements with speed, flexibility and efficiency.Contact DetailsSales Contact: Luke HarrisTechnical / Product Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Marketing Contact: Lauren Jones Website: Twitter: @euNetworks LinkedIn: euNetworks Facebook: euNetworks Company Address: 5 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HU