OryxAlign are proud to announce the launch of its second datacentre platform, OADC-2, in the Virtus Enfield datacentre. Virtus is London’s fastest growing specialist datacentre provider who has a perfect track record of delivering 100% availability to enterprise companies in the technology, financial, media and education sectors. OryxAlign & Virtus share a special and symbiotic partnership which goes beyond rack space and into the realms of managed technology support, consultancy and cloud services. Read the full article. Previous article: VIRTUS DATA CENTRES AND LEVEL 3 BRING MICROSOFT AZURE TO LONDON < VIRTUS DATA CENTRES AND LEVEL 3 BRING MICROSOFT AZURE TO LONDON Next article: Virtus serves up colocation on demand in London, readies second datacenter Virtus serves up colocation on demand in London, readies second datacenter >