Get to know Ramzi Charif, VIRTUS’ new VP Technical Operations, EEA

Written by Ramzi Charif Published 2023-06-22 08:28:14

Ramzi headshot 1


With more than 25 years of experience in delivering Data Centre and Cloud Infrastructure, Ramzi Charif has recently joined the VIRTUS team, as VP of Technical Operations EEA. As VIRTUS continues to expand out its data centre operations into mainland Europe, Ramzi will lead Technical Operations in this area, including at the recently announced VIRTUS Mareinpark Campus in Berlin. On joining the team, we caught up with Ramzi to find out more about his background and his thoughts on the new role.


Hi Ramzi, welcome to the VIRTUS Team! Could you tell us a little bit about your career background so far?

So I started my journey in the data centre industry with Redbus Interhouse, later joining Telecity, Global Switch before leading Huawei in their European Data Centre development project. In 2018, I joined CapIngelec to stimulate data centre development in Europe and Africa before joining AWS where I directed Cloud Infrastructure Operations and development in France, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland. I had also the privilege to lead the French entity in charge of data centres at Amazon.


And what about your new role at VIRTUS? What will that entail?

Following on from my experience so far, steering end-to-end cloud, data centre, and hyperscale infrastructure operations across various global territories and regions with a focus on providing strategic leadership and direction. Specifically, my role will be to lead data centre operations for VIRTUS in mainland Europe, focussing optimisation and scale up of the organization and structure in the region. It’s an exciting time for VIRTUS in our expansion and I’m looking forward to the next years as we continue to grow our operations to support customer demand.


What about outside of work – what might people not know about you?

I think those who work with me will know, but I’m a huge Formula One fan! I’m also very interested in both History and Astophysics; I believe that the first enlighten us and the second humbles us.